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Teaching Perspectives Inventory

I took the TPI twice, once on August 20, 2015 and then on December 30, 2015. Both these times my results were all in the 40’s which suggetsed my strongly held views about teaching.

My mean scores for TPI were 42.6 with a standard deviation of 1.85 for the first time I did it and 43.4 with a standard deviation of 1.36 for the second time. Therefore, my resuts for the second time were more consistent than the first time I took the TPI.

Another indicator of this consitensy was the internal validity of my results. In the TPI I took on August 20, 2015, for atleast three dimensions of TPI which were Transmission, Developmental and social reforms my reults varied for more than two points among beliefs, intent and action. However, in the TPI, I took on December 30, 2015 my results showed low internal validity on only one dimension which was transmision. Therefore, I again realized that The TPI I took later was more consistent.

I thought of two reasons for this change, one was simply due to chance as the second time I was more aware of the questions than the first and that may have lead to a response bias. Secondly, after being involved in studying the PIDP courses all this time may have actually made me rethink my ideas about teaching.

When I looked at the highest scores in both the attempts in the TPI, I realized that I was most passionate about Appenticeship and Nurturing. My thoughts were least consistent about Scoial Reforms and Developmental, followed by Transmission. These result gave me a genuine picture of what I am as a teacher to myself. I am a heart person and I have always strongly believed that to be a good teacher one has to be a good practictioner. These views actually reflected in my TPI results.

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